Instructional Continuity

Remote Teaching During An Emergency



Make sure to review the Important Information/Faculty FAQ for answers to key questions about Remote Teaching at PCC.

Remote Teaching Tools

1. Canvas
Canvas is the online classroom where remote instruction will occur for PCC.  

2. ConferZoom
ConferZoom is a tool for Office Hours and to facilitate instruction. 

See the PCC Remote Learning Center to access additional technology and support resources. This includes information about ConferZoom, Canvas, Screencast-o-matic, Turn-it-in and much  more!

Teaching Your Course

There are four components that are critical to your students' success when teaching remotely. You do not need to employ them all.  Start with one or two from each tab.

1. Communicating With Your Students

One of the best things about Canvas is the way it can help you stay in touch with your students. Canvas provides various tools for communication, and each is useful in a different way. Here is an overview of the communication options available (Note: you can click on the linked text to delve deeper into those methods). Since communication is essential in creating a community and connection for your students, make sure that you and your students set Canvas Notifications Links to an external site., so everyone is assured to receive all important messages.  

Send Announcements:

Announcements help you reach a large number of students at once and is the fastest way to
communicate with your entire class from within Canvas.

Use Announcements to:

  • Introduce your topic for the week. Outline what will be covered (learning outcomes) in the form of written content/ Links to an external site.
  • Links to an external site.Remind students about upcoming deadlines or changes.
  • Announce important events that may be of interest to your students.

Email Your Students using Canvas:

An effective way to communicate with your students is through email, which is something most people are already familiar with.  The Canvas "Inbox Links to an external site.” is essentially e-mail.  It allows you to send messages to all students Links to an external site. or individual students Links to an external site. in the course without having to leave Canvas. Set your notification settings so that you will be alerted to these e-mails immediately in your PCC email.  You can respond to Canvas e-mail directly from your PCC e-mail account, you do not need to go to the Canvas Inbox to respond.

Use Email in Canvas to:

  • Provide updates about the course.
  • Communicate individually with students.
  • Receive completed coursework/assessments from student.  Keep in mind that students may not have access to a printer or scanner at home.  Students should be able to complete required activities/assessments utilizing standard applications such as Microsoft Word.


Don't Forget! 
Canvas courses start in an unpublished state. In order to Publish your Course, you must first set a Course Home Page Links to an external site..  Once you have a home page set, you can publish your course Links to an external site. by clicking the Publish button located on the right-hand sidebar of your course homepage.
Also be sure that you also P
ublish your Assignments Links to an external site., Pages Links to an external site., Modules Links to an external site., and other instructional materials.

Look at Examples of Other Course

Courses at PCC
It can often help to look at examples to get ideas about what you can do with your own course content. The following example courses are available to view that have been developed by PCC faculty.  

Free Course Content

Share Content with Your Peers
One easy way to do this is to have a space in
Canvas where you can share materials with faculty who teach the same course(s).

If you would like a sandbox to share course materials, fill out a Canvas Sandbox Request Form Links to an external site. and a sandbox will be created for you by one of our DE team members (you will receive an e-mail when it is created).

Look for Free Digital Content Online

If you do not have content in a digital format, consider using content that is already developed for the online environment, and are freely available.  There are many sources where exceptional digital course content can be found. Here are some recommended sources:


Find Support

PCC Distance Education Department

24/7 Canvas Faculty Support Hotline: (833) 462-8710

ConferZoom Troubleshooting:
Some faculty have been reporting that they have a Zoom basic account. All PCC faculty have a ConferZoom Pro account associated with their email. If your Zoom account is showing as a “Basic” account, please contact CCCTechConnect to convert it to a Pro account. 

Confer Tech Support (M-F 7am - 4pm)
Phone: 1-760-744-1150 ext. 1537, 1543

See the ConferZoom Account Troubleshooting  guide, which may provide the answers you are seeking.