Where will classes be conducted during an emergency campus closure?
Courses will be conducted in PCC’s learning management system, Canvas. During the temporary emergency period, will allow you to maintain contact with your students, share course content, conduct group discussion, send/receive assignments and hold office hours. Canvas includes several integrated tools that can also support instruction such as Turnitin and ConferZoom. PCC E-mail is another way to maintain contact and send/receive assignments with your students. Only use your PCC assigned email for these purposes.
What do I find help prepare and teach remotely?
Collaborate with colleagues, work with your dean and use this resource guide, which includes guidance on developing a plan, preparing content, communicating with your students, and where to find assistance. You can also contact the Distance Education Dept. for support services at PCCOnline@pasadena.edu.
I don’t think my class can be taught in a remote format, what should I do?
Have a conversation with your division dean or your department colleagues to discuss ideas. There may be some content that can be taught during the temporary suspension of in-person classes. Review your syllabus to identify these topics or activities and rearrange the order you cover them as needed. There may be free, pre-existing digital course content that could be used to help you cover course material until you have access to campus facilities.
What can I do to help students be successful in the remote environment?
* Establish how you will communicate with them, and outline any new expectations including that class will continue and they are expected to keep up with the course work. * Ask students to set (or review) their Canvas Communication PreferencesLinks to an external site. immediately so they are sure to get all course communications. * Invite students to think about how they would maintain their engagement with the course and stay on schedule. * Have students privately let you know if they will have challenges participating in your class remotely. * Point students to critical Student Support Services.
When do I need to be logged in to Canvas to teach my class?
There are no specific times that you must be logged in to Canvas. You do need to log in frequently to communicate with your students, provide course content, facilitate discussions and provide feedback on assessment.
Can I teach my class “live” (synchronous) remotely?
Synchronous instruction is possible utilizing ConferZoom, but keep in mind that students may not be able to access the appropriate technology during the specified time. If you do choose to teach “live” using ConferZoom, do not make attendance necessary, or grade on attendance. Record and post the session in Canvas so that students who couldn’t attend can still access the instructional content.
How and when will I hold Office Hours?
Office Hours remain unchanged, except you will be holding them in the remote environment. ConferZoom provides you with a virtual “office” where students from any of your sections can visit during the specified hours. Just like in-person, these sessions are “walk-in” and optional. See the ConferZoom guideLinks to an external site. to learn how to use this tool.
Adapt your classroom policies regarding absences, deadlines, and make-up work for students who are sick.
This is a public health emergency that is evolving quickly and unpredictably, and we all need to be prepared to adapt our attendance, assignment, and grading practices to meet the needs of our students.
Student Attendance
There are no specific times that students must be logged in to Canvas. Student “attendance” is based on their asynchronous participation in class discussions, activities and completion of graded assessments. Check in with students who have not logged in at all or are not completing assignments or participating in discussions, or other assigned activities.
What if a student needs help using Canvas or ZoomConfer?
Encourage your students to let you know if they are experiencing difficulty using the remote instructional tools. Point students to the Student Technical Support website, which includes guides and tutorials for Canvas and ConferZoom. You can also direct them to the 24/7 Student Canvas Hotline, or the ConferZoom support site.
How do I handle accommodations for students with disabilities in Canvas? Start with a conversation with the student planning how best to support their learning, and any accommodations accommodations. Please contact DSP&S now to plan how best support students who require academic accommodations.