English 900 – Example

Front Page

Welcome to English 900

Writing Lab Supplementary Instruction

for your English 1A Course!



GETTING AROUND: Each Friday, the week's Unit module will be released. Each module contains the unit's weekly roadmap, including weekly attendance required posting, class lectures, readings, assignments, and other activities. Starting next week, you will see the list of modules as soon as you log-in to our class. Then: 

  1. To get started, click on the Unit or roadmap page for the week. For example, below you'll see START HERE. You can click on "Week 1: Roadmap," then next week, click on "Week 2: Roadmap" etc. 
  2. One-by-one, work your way down the items in each module. Be sure to pay attention to the due dates. 
  3. As your work is graded, you'll see your grades by clicking on the 'Grades" tab. 
  4. That's it. There will be more detailed instructions inside each module item, but this is the basic way to work through this class. 

If you get stuck:

  • Try a new Web Browser
  • Technical Problems: Visit online.pasadena.edu/canvas-support
  • Call Tech Support: 626.585.7523
  • Contact me using the INBOX feature or our back-up email address.

Start Here:


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