GEOG 1L – Example

Front Page

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Welcome to Physical Geography Lab!

Everything you need to complete this course is located in the Modules button on the left side of this page. Each week on MONDAY at 8 AM PST the module for the week will be unlocked.  It contains all of the readings, multimedia, videos, quizzes, discussions and labs for you to complete each week. Discussions are due THURSDAY and all other assignments are due on SUNDAY by 11:59 PM Midnight PST.  I strongly suggest that you check each weekly module on MONDAY, and monitor your Canvas announcements and email for this class multiple times a week. Please feel free to email me or message me through CANVAS with any questions or concerns, I am here to help! 

2013 Esri International User Conference - San Diego, CA






1: Aug 29-Sept 4

Introduction to Google Earth

Course Check -In (Discussion 1)

Syllabus Quiz

Week 1 Reading Quiz

Week 1 Lab

2: Sept 5-11

Analyzing Topographic Maps

Week 2 Reading Quiz

Week 2 Lab

Discussion 2: Analyzing the structure and process of major land form types

3:Sept 12-18

Scientific Method and Time Zones

Week 3 Reading Quiz

Week 3 Lab

4: Sept 19-25


Discussion 3: Choose ePortfolio Tool

Week 4 Lab

5:Sept 26-Oct 2

Earth Sun Relationships

Extra Credit Field Trip FRIDAY, September 30th 9 am-11 am at Eaton Canyon.  

 Week 5 Reading Quiz

Week 5 Lab

6:Oct 3-9

Meteorological Data and Maps

ePortfolio Template

Week 6 Reading Quiz

Week 6 Lab

7: Oct 10-16

Violent Weather


Week 7 Reading Quiz

Week 7 Lab

Discussion 4: Analyzing and interpreting meteorological geography data, patterns, and process

8: Oct 17-23


 Week 8 Reading Quiz

Week 8 Lab

9: Oct 24-30

Climate Change

Week 9 Reading Quiz

Week 9 Lab

 Discussion 5: Interpret climatic data

10: Oct 31-Nov 6

Physical Geography Problems: Snow Pack Monitoring and Earthquake Hazards

Week 10 Lab

11: Nov 7-13

Physical Geography Problems: Volcanic and Tsunami/ Storm Surge Hazards

Week 11 Lab

Discussion 6: Real World Physical Geography Problems

12: Nov 14-20

Physical Geography Problems: Landslide and Shoreline Hazards

ePortfolio Draft

Week 12 Lab 

13: Nov 21-27

Physical Geography Problems: Groundwater and Landfill Siting

Discussion 7: ePortfolio Peer Reviews

Week 13 Lab 

14: Nov 28- Dec 4

Landform Study

 Week 14 Reading Quiz

Week 14 Lab

ePortfolio FINAL

15: Dec 5- 11

Global Physical Features

 Discussion 8: Course Feedback

Week 15 Reading Quiz

16: Dec 12-18

 Finals Week

  Week 15 Lab


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