Unit 4 WK 7 Roadmap-3
Unit 4 Week 7 Road Map
This week your lesson and assignments focus on the thesis statement. You'll be required to complete several assignments, including assignment 0, the required weekly attendance check-in (due Monday 11:59pm PST), in addition to reviewing the module materials:
- Assignment Zero: Mandatory Weekly Attendance Check-in Assignment List
- Assignment One: Assigned pages in Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference
- Assignment Two: Discussion Board Participation "Why is the Thesis Statement Important?" Discussion Index
- Assignment Three: Complete the Thesis Statement Collaboration Activity with your cohort. Assignment List
- Assignment Four: Complete the brief quiz Quiz List
Our Unit Learning Goals are linked to the following Student Learning Outcomes and Student Performance Objectives:
Student Learning Objectives:
- Understand the invention and revision process in composition
- Write thesis-driven argumentative essays supported by outside sources
- Write grammatical sentences in the service of an essay assignment
Student Performance Objectives:
- Identify and use prewriting strategies to develop essay topics and content
- Develop and support a thesis statement
- Develop an argument supported by evidence
- Recognize and evaluate evidence for an argument
- Evaluate and cite resources for an essay topic
- Identify and correct errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation in student writing
This week we'll focus in on
- Write thesis-driven argumentative essays supported by outside sources
- Develop and support a thesis statement