Course Syllabus

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English 900-Writing Center Lab Course Guide,

Syllabus, and Course Outline, Pasadena City College,

8-Week Spring 2013, Course Dates


  • Instructor: 
  • PCC Email:  
  • Preferred Contact Method: Please use CANVAS LMS Inbox System
  • Backup Contact Method: (alternate email and/or telephone # with hours)
  • Phone: 
  • Course Website: Canvas Learning Management System, PCC
  • Backup Website URL:  (We suggest setting up a free blog using wikispaces, wordpress, or wix, as these offer multiple-page layout options. Alternately, you can PDF each Unit and week, and then email them as an attachment labeled BACKUP with your weekly announcements.)


English 900 is a course in the development of writing skills for students in English 1A. This course includes individual assignments and small group collaboration.


Upon successful completion the student will be able to:

  • Understand the invention and revision process in composition
  • Write thesis-driven argumentative essays supported by outside sources
  • Write grammatical sentences in the service of an essay assignment


Upon successful completion the student will be able to:

  • Identify and use prewriting strategies to develop essay topics and content
  • Develop and support a thesis statement
  • Develop an argument supported by evidence
  • Recognize and evaluate evidence for an argument
  • Evaluate and cite resources for an essay topic
  • Identify and correct errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation in student writing


This course is conducted entirely online, which means you do not have to be on campus to complete any portion of it. You will participate in the course using PCC’s learning management system called CANVAS (

Required Text

  • A Writer's Reference 7th Edition, PCC Custom Edition, Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers



If you do not have your own computer, PCC has many computer labs available. Additionally, most public libraries have computers with internet access that you can use for free. For-purchase internet time with a computer is available at your local print store, like Kinko's. Learn more about PCC Computer Labs by clicking here:

Computer Requirements

You will need to have a computer that has an up-to-date browser, operating system, and some simple software programs. You can learn more about computer requirements for college by clicking on the PCC Online site here:

Computer Knowledge

You should have basic word-processing skills for our course. This means that you are able to type and print a document, upload a file, download a file, save a file with a unique file name, and navigate email and internet fairly easily. We will be using Google Docs. Many students find that having a GMAIL account makes the use of Google Docs easier.



Announcements will be posted in CANVAS on a weekly basis. They will appear on your CANVAS dashboard when you log in and/or will be sent to you directly through your preferred method of notification from CANVAS. Please make certain to check your announcements regularly, as they will contain any important information about upcoming projects or class concerns. To review your preferred method of communication, click HERE:


In this course we will use the INBOX feature of CANVAS available by clicking on INBOX in the help corner (located in the upper right hand navigation links) to send email for private messages. You can either check your messages in the CANVAS system, or you can set your notifications to your preferred method of contact. Please check your messages regularly. When submitting messages through CANVAS or through backup email (when CANVAS is down), please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Please have a picture attached with your CANVAS account. (it's just more fun!)
  • Include a subject in the subject box that describes the email content with your name, week, and message subject, or for CANVAS Inbox, please have the first line of your communication include this information. For example: YOURNAMEWK2ASSIGNMENTE900 or state this information in your opening sentences.
  • Send messages through CANVAS Inbox and not to my preferred email account, unless the PCC Site is down.
  • Do not send messages asking general information about the class. Please post those in the CANVAS QUESTION FORUM.
  • Do not submit your assignments by message or by attachment to email unless specifically asked to do so.
  • Make certain to check your messages frequently.
  • Be aware that it is rare for me to answer messages between 9p and 7a during the week. 


In online courses it is normal to have many questions about things that relate to the course, such as clarification about assignments, course materials, or assessments. Please post these in the Q&A FORUM in CANVAS which you can access by clicking the DISCUSSIONS button in the Course Navigation Links. This is an open forum, and you are encouraged to give answers to other students and to help one another if you can. 

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums are a way for you to engage with each other about the course content. Each week we'll have a mandatory check-in discussion forum that you'll need to visit within the first 48hours of each week, so each Tuesday by 11:59pm PST. Additionally, in each of our modules, we'll utilize discussion boards to answer questions linked to readings and to concepts.

You can access all forums by visiting the MODULES. In general, in order to get full credit for each discussion, you will need to post a thoughtful, well-written response to the question and will need to respond to at least 2 of your classmates's postings. However, occasionally the discussion boards will have individual instructions for response. Please follow the directions posted in each of the discussion forums.

Netiquette and Etiquette

When posting on the discussion boards and in the chat rooms and in collaboration environments, it is important to understand how to interact with one another online--netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette by clicking here:

Office Hours

I will hold virtual office hours by appointment through CANVAS or CCC-Confer. You can access virtual office hours through CANVAS CHAT. Click CHAT in the COURSE NAVIGATION LINKS. Please contact me through CANVAS INBOX to set up a time. You can also telephone me at 626-585-xxxx. Note that I respond to voicemail between 9a-3p M-Th. The fastest way to contact me is through CANVAS INBOX. 


Participation is essential to your success in this class. You are required to participate online by completing your assignments, contributing well-thought out and prepared postings to the discussion board and collaboration assignments, and by completing the Mandatory, Weekly Attendance Check-in. In distance education courses you are required to participate just as if you were in a face-to-face course.

If you do not participate in class in a thoughtful manner, we will first have a conference to discuss ways to improve your course response. If there is consistent failure to participate in class, you will be dropped from the course.


Weekly Assignments

  • Each week you can preview our lesson and topics in CANVAS by clicking on the MODULES. They will be available every Friday by Noon, PST.
  • You need to complete all of your assignments by the following Sunday, 11:59pm PST. Some assignments require postings earlier in the week, so you should plan to visit CANVAS at least twice per week--once to review the Unit and weekly assignments, and perhaps make your first posts, and a second time to complete your assignments and postings. 
  • You will need to reference your English 1A materials as part of this course. Please have them handy when completing assignments for English 900.

 Grading Criteria

You will be provided with clear completion criteria and course rubrics for each of the assignments for our course. If you require further explanation, it is your responsibility to post to the Q&A Forum for help from your peers, or to consult with me to clarify the assignment before it's due. This lab is a PASS/No PASS grade. In order to pass the course, you must attend at least 13 of the 16 weeks of class (accumulated through your Weekly Attendance Forum posting), and you must complete at least 70% of the assignments at a 70% grade. Of course, I hope you'll attend all 16 weeks, and hope that the course has been set up in such a way that you see the importance of your presence for your peers and collaborators, and for your own learning process. You can check your grade at any time by clicking GRADES.


Academic Honesty

The Pasadena City College student conduct code and academic honesty policies can be downloaded via this link. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in disciplinary action and ay affect your academic standing at Pasadena City College. Click here:

  • Do not cheat
  • Do not plagiarize (use another person's words or ideas as your own without proper citation credit and documentation)
  • Do not collaborate with others unless specifically requested to do so per assignment guidelines
  • Do not let another student login to your CANVAS account

Add/Drop Policy

If plan on dropping the class, you are responsible for formally dropping yourself from the course via Registration Services at Pasadena City College. If you do not formally drop yourself from the course, you will receive an F in the course. There are NO INCOMPLETES for this course. You must attend the first and second classes or you will be dropped from the course.

Students who do not participate in class, that is, who consistently do not complete assignments, quizzes, respond to forums or turn in other work will be dropped from the class for non-participation.

Attendance Policy

Your attendance in our course is required. Each week you will need to complete an attendance checking within 48 hours of the start of the week. If you do not check in during that 48 hours, even if you finish the assignments for that week, you will be marked ABSENT. After 4 absences you will not pass the course and will need to speak with me during office hours.

Late Work Policy

Accepting late work is entirely up to my discretion and requires an office conversation. When in doubt, assume that no late work is accepted.


Courses at PCC follow ADA accessibility guidelines. This means that every effort is made to develop an accessible learning environment, which may include alternate assignments. Please let me know any special needs by the end of Week 1. You should have documentation on file with the PCC Disabled Students Programs and Services Department (RM D209). You can email or telephone 626.585.7127 for assistance. If you have a minor issue that does not meet DSPS guidelines for accessibility, please speak with me anyway, and I will make every effort to accommodate your learning experience.


Tech Support

If you need technical assistance at any time during the semester, or to report a problem, contact PCC's 24/7 Tech Support Center by clicking here:

You can also get in-person help at the Learning Assistance Center in the D building. Tutors in the center are trained to help students with CANVAS and its tools. It is also helpful if you let me know what kinds of technical difficulties you encounter so that I can continue to improve our course.

Student Resources

There are many services on campus to help you achieve success in your courses. Check out the Student Services Link for information about library services, computer lab hours, and research help. Click here for Student Services Link:

Distance Education Website

You may wish to review some of the tools for assistance at the PCC Distance Education Department website. Those resources can be found here:


Holidays and No Class Meetings or Altered Class Meetings

Note: Weekly Schedule is subject to change based on progress of students and unforseen factors.


  • Our course is broken up into 8 units over 16 weeks. 


  • Week 1: Complete Discussion Board Attendance Check-in, Complete Web-Readiness Quiz, Join Small-Group cohorts

UNIT 2: Working with Group Cohorts


  • Week 3: Reading Strategies Review with Annotating and Outlining
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Participate in an Annotation Discussion
    • Complete an Outline Exercise
  • Week 4: Summary and Analysis Skills
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Collaborate with Group Cohorts to develop an Active Reading Strategies study guide


  • Week 5: Writing on Demand and the Writing Process
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Produce a Tip-Sheet or 2-minute Instructional Video with downloadable transcript for Writing on Demand
  • Week 6: Isolating Important Stages of the Writing Process--Paragraph Development
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Revise a Paragraph from one of your English 1A writing assignments
  • Week 7: Isolating Important Stages of the Writing Process: Thesis Statement Clarity
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Collaborate on Thesis Revision with Group Cohort


  • Week 8: Understanding and Applying the Components of Revision
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Compete Reverse Outline Assignment
  • Week 9: Understanding and Applying the Components of Editing
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Complete Revision Strategy Plan
  • Week 10: Comparing and Contrasting Revision and Editing Strategies
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Complete collaborative Read-Aloud

UNIT 6: Conducting Research     

  • Week 11: Locating Web and Library Resources
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
  • Week 12: Evaluating Web and Library Resources
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in


  • Week 13: Identifying Grammar Demons and Style Stealers
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Complete Grammar Survey
    • Complete group outline and planning for teaching exercise
  • Week 14: Developing Solutions to Grammar Demons and Style Stealers
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Complete and post your Group Teaching Exercise 


  • Week 15: Reflecting on What You've Learned
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
  • Week 16: Portfolio Peer Review and Course Survey
    • Complete the Weekly Attendance Check-in
    • Complete portfolio review process for members of cohort
    • Complete a course survey


Directions: Please EMAIL this by pasting it into the body of an email to

 In the subject header, please use the following:

  • 2013SPR-ENG900-Section-FirstNameLastName-Syllabus


Affirmation (To be emailed to the Backup Email and also uploaded here.)

I have read the syllabus and understand the syllabus. Any questions I have about the syllabus have been posted or will be posted to the CANVAS Questions Discussion Board forum for Prof. xxxx to answer.


My contact information is as follows:



Email Address:

Telephone number with area code:

Any special needs or medical concerns that Prof. xxxxx needs to know about. (For example, persons with extreme allergies who carry an special pen, etc.)

 If you are able, please also PASTE a picture of yourself into the email. I'd like to connect your face with your name!


Other Questions

Any other questions I have that may be personal, I have emailed to Professor xxxx through CANVAS INBOX

This email serves as my electronic signature and date stamp for this document.







Course Summary:

Date Details Due