Unit 8 WK 15 ePortfolio p1
Understanding ePortfolios
What is an ePortfolio?[1]
An ePortfolio is a collection of work in electronic format, and it can include several pages or components that balance a showcase of personal and professional aspects of an individual. Academic/College ePortfolios often include a welcome message, a mission statement, a statement of academic goals, as well as some or all of the following (and more):
- Supporting files of various formats (text, pictures, video, etc.)
- Evaluations, analysis and letters of recommendation
- Evidence of General Education competencies and completion
- Writing samples (which might include several drafts to show development and improvement)
- Projects prepared for class or extracurricular activities (in video, audio, image)
- Evidence of creativity and performance
- Evidence of extracurricular activities, including examples of school and community leadership and community service
[1] Clemson University http://www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/eportfolio/about/ Links to an external site. adapted by K.E. Ogden, Pasadena City College, 2013