Unit 8 WK 15 ePortfolio p1

Understanding ePortfolios

What is an ePortfolio?[1]

An ePortfolio is a collection of work in electronic format, and it can include several pages or components that balance a showcase of personal and professional aspects of an individual. Academic/College ePortfolios often include a welcome message, a mission statement, a statement of academic goals, as well as some or all of the following (and more):

  1. Supporting files of various formats (text, pictures, video, etc.)
  2. Evaluations, analysis and letters of recommendation
  3. Evidence of General Education competencies and completion
  4. Writing samples (which might include several drafts to show development and improvement)
  5. Projects prepared for class or extracurricular activities (in video, audio, image)
  6. Evidence of creativity and performance
  7. Evidence of extracurricular activities, including examples of school and community leadership and community service

[1] Clemson University http://www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/eportfolio/about/ Links to an external site. adapted by K.E. Ogden, Pasadena City College, 2013