Unit 6 WK 11 Content in Context


Now that you've had some time to get to know your group members, have developed your group norms, and have worked on your individual research process, it's time to think about some of the best practices for conducting research so that you can complete the assignment described on the next page.

Conducting research has a lot to do with information literacy. Make sure you've reviewed A Writer's Reference section "Conducting research" and that you've also checked out what the library has to offer. They have a great page called "New to Research" that is linked below, after this week's assignment is explained.

What you want to remember is that there is no 1, single "right" way to conduct research.

Research happens for various purposes, and so needs various methodologies.

You and your group members will come up with a guide of Best Practices for general academic research, such as the type you're being assigned in your English 1A course.