Unit 3 WK 4 Group Study Guide
- Due No Due Date
- Points None
- Submitting a file upload or a website url
Group Study Guide:
Now that you've identified some of the great reading strategies and critical thinking strategies you've got at your disposal, and now that you understand outlining a text and its usefulness as a study guide, you're going to develop your own study guide. Follow the format below to develop your study guide, collaborating with your group cohort members using Google Docs.
You can then upload the link to your google doc assignment (be sure to "share" it with anyone who has the link using the blue button in Google Docs) or you can upload it as a file.
- Title of Study Guide: Should be a title that tells the reader what the main information of the study guide will be
- Summary: A brief 200-250 word summary of the key information about your study guide's subject.
- Formal Outline Structure of at least 3-5 main points, 2-3 sub-points beneath each main point
- Concluding Statement: The most important "take-away" for readers of your study guide.
- Helpful Vocabulary: At least 2-3 helpful vocabulary clarifications (For example, what is "analysis"?)
- Discussion Questions: Develop 2-3 questions for discussion about the material in the study guide--think of these as questions that your teacher might ask on a test or for classroom discussion.
- 1 or 2 examples of 1 or 2 of the strategies you're suggesting.