Unit 2 WK 2 Road Map
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This week you'll be required to complete 2 major assignments in addition to your regularly-scheduled assignment 0--the required weekly check-in and reviewing lecture materials in this module.
This week we'll work on understanding how to develop good, collaborative skills for group work. This is a General Education outcome as well as an important skill for all of your college courses--but especially for our online course, as you'll be working with groups throughout the semester.
The skills you learn this week will contribute to the course Student Learning Outcomes and Student Performance Objectives, but also, you'll develop important skills that facilitate the following General Education Outcomes:
Upon successful completion the student will be able to:
- COMMUNICATION: Use creative expression to communicate acquired knowledge or skills effectively.
- 1.3 - Listening: Listen actively, respectfully, and critically.
- COGNITION: Use critical thinking skills to observe, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and information.
- 2.2 - Creative Thinking and Application: Formulate and apply knowledge, skills, ideas, and concepts to appropriate contexts.
- SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for others.
- 4.1 - Respect for Diversity: Demonstrate an understanding of the beliefs, opinions, and values of other people and cultures.
This week's assignments include:
- Assignment Zero: Collaboration Survey, Assignment List Post by Monday 11:59 PM PST.
- Assignment One: Login to your group cohort page and contribute to Group Norms Discussion Board People Completed by
- Assignment Two: Complete your finalized NORMS and upload them as an assignment. Assignment List Completed by