Captioning Resources

Videos used in your course must be captioned.  

Exception: You do not need to caption if the material is student work, or other raw footage (such as a feedback video sent to an individual student) that will not be used again in another course section or another term or shared among other students (outside of that one class section).

The following tools and resources are provided to help you caption your videos. 


Distance Education Captioning and Transcription (DECT) Program

The Distance Education Captioning and Transcription (DECT) Links to an external site. program provides funding for video captioning and transcription.  Funding is available to support instructional material in online and hybrid classes, digital media repositories, and on-campus classes utilizing distance methods of content delivery.

What Qualifies for DECT Funding?

  • Distance Education (Online, Hybrid, Synchronous, Asynchronous)
  • Credit and Non-Credit classes
  • On-campus Classes utilizing distance methods of content delivery as they evolve (e.g., class capture, web conferencing, vodcasting, podcasting, content posted within a Learning Management System)

Application Process Overview:

  1. The DECT Application Links to an external site. does not need to be filled out by the District Designated Signatory. It will not require signatures upon submission.
  2. Once the Application is submitted, the form submitter will receive an Adobe Sign auto-response confirmation that the form was completed.  The form will still need to be approved internally and routed for signatures by DECT.
  3. After the Application is approved, the Palomar CCD signatory will sign, and the District Designated Signatory will sign.
  4. Once the DECT Agreement has been signed by both parties, the form submitter will receive a DECT funding confirmation email.

To request DECT funding for your project, apply using the DECT Application Form Links to an external site..

For more information about the DECT program, including reporting requirements, please see DECT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Links to an external site..

3C Media Solutions

3C Media Solutions is an educational media distribution source for video content provided for all campuses within the California Community Colleges system. This is a free, grant-funded resource provided by the Chancellor’s Office, made possible by the DECT Links to an external site.Grant.  They will host your video and will, upon request, caption it for you!  The finished, captioned video is hosted online and can be linked to or embedded into your Canvas materials.

Getting Started

  1. How to register for a free 3C Media Solutions account Links to an external site. 
  2. How to submit a video to 3C Media Solutions for captioning Links to an external site.

  3. Explore 3C Media Solutions Support Page with Videos & Tutorials  Links to an external site.

Upload & Embed Newly Captioned Video into Canvas


Canvas Studio

Canvas Studio is a powerful video platform that is closely integrated into Canvas.  Captions can be auto-generated and are usually very accurate, but still require that you proofread to make any necessary edits/adjustments.  The caption editor in Studio is very user-friendly.



YouTube creates automatic captions, but they are usually quite inaccurate, so they don’t satisfy accessibility requirements.  They can, however, be a good starting point if you are willing to edit and clean them up.   It’s not difficult, it just takes a little patience.

How to Edit Automatic-Captions in YouTube:



If you're captioning a video that you've created in ScreenPal, the ScreenPal video editor provides a built-in caption editor.  There are several ways to add captions your ScreenPal videos.  The "speech-to-text" option is a very easy way to automatically generate captions from your audio narration.  You can then simply clean up any mistakes in the caption editor before publishing.

See Captioning in ScreenPal for more info.


How to Caption a Video that Someone Else Owns

You may be using videos that were created by someone else.  CVC-OEI has created a helpful resource to guide you through your options for captioning a video that someone else owns.