Known Issues
No Instructor Feedback Panel for HTML Issues (yet)
Your Ally Dashboard report will alert you to HTML issues in your canvas pages, but at this time there is no instructor feedback panel to provide additional guidance. The instructor feedback panel is currently available for image and document issues, but not yet for Canvas HTML issues. Ally is working on a future release, which will provide an instructor feedback panel to guide you through HTML issues. In the past, we have recommend that you use Canvas' built-in Accessibility Checker Links to an external site.. However, we have more recently introduced a tool called Pope Tech Instructor Accessibility Guide. We feel that Pope Tech is more user-friendly and effective. If you haven't tried it yet, please check out Pope Tech Instructor Accessibility Guide.
Ally Does Not Specify Which Video(s) on Need Captions
Your Ally Dashboard report will alert you to any page containing a video without captions. However, at this time there are no accessibility indicator icons attached to individual videos. Ally plans to enhance this feature in a future release, but until then, if your page contains multiple videos you will have to check each video on the page for missing captions.