Arranging and Filtering Your Gradebook View
The Canvas Gradebook has several options for arranging and filtering your gradebook columns. These options can be found beneath the View dropdown menu link at the top of the gradebook window.
Arranging Gradebook Columns
Using the Arrange By option under the View menu, you can choose the order in which your assignment columns are displayed:
- Default Order - Columns are arranged from left-to-right in the order they are listed from top-to-bottom on your Assignments page.
- Assignment Name - arranged alphabetically by title.
- Due Date - arranged based on the due dates of your assignments.
- Points - arranged based on the the point value of your assignments.
- Module - arranged in the order the assignments are listed in your course Modules.
Filtering Gradebook Columns
Filters allow you to narrow the focus of your gradebook by displaying only those assignment columns in a specific Assignment Group or Module.
Selecting one of these options will open a secondary dropdown menu where you can select the Assignment Group or Module you'd like to filter:
Note: Filters will remain in effect until you choose to disable them. To remove a filter and once again view all of your columns, you'll need to click the option again to un-check and deactivate it.
Assignment Statuses
The Statuses feature allows you to change the default colors in the Gradebook. Each color is associated with a Gradebook status of an assignment: late (blue), missing (red), resubmitted (green), dropped (orange), or excused (yellow). Colors can be adjusted by selecting a default color or using a supported hex code.
You have the ability to manually change the status of a student's assignment which we'll cover a bit later in the section on entering grades.
Optional Columns: Notes and Unpublished Assignments
The last few options under the View menu allow you to show and hide optional columns in your Gradebook.
The Notes column option will display an additional column next to the Students column where you can type and save notes. These notes are only visible to Teachers, and not to students.
Typically only your published assignments will be active and visible in the Gradebook. The Unpublished Assignments option will show gradebook columns for all of your unpublished assignments, but their unpublished status will be indicated in bold red text.
Up Next: Student Name Column