Student Name Column

Hovering your mouse over the header of the Student Name column will reveal an ellipsis dropdown menu that contains several options for sorting and displaying your students in the gradebook. 

Student Name column dropdown menu options.

  • Sort by - sort your students alphebetically, A-Z or Z-A.
  • Display as - choose whether to list and sort your students in First Name, Last Name -or- Last Name, First Name order. 
  • Secondary info - choose an additional piece of student information to display beneath the student's names, such as their  Lancerpoint user name or their 8-digit Lancer ID.

Show Inactive or Concluded Enrollments

Student Name dropdown menu with Conclude enrollments highlighted.

The last option for the Student Name column allows you to Show/Hide Inactive or Concluded enrollments in your course.  This lets you view the grade information for students who are no longer actively participating in the course. 

Inactive students are typically students who dropped the course.

The Concluded enrollments option is useful when viewing older courses. A few weeks after the end of each term, all of your students will enter a "Concluded" state. Once this happens, it may appear as though grade information has disappeared from your gradebook.  

If you choose the option to display your Concluded enrollments, your gradebook will repopulate and you'll be able to access all grades and assignments submissions. 

Concluded enrollments listed in gradebook.

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