47 Confidence Boosting Affirmations for Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

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To be happy, you need to practice self-love. Positive affirmations for self-love help develop a great sense of self-love. They can help you appreciate yourself for who you are, not what society thinks about you.

We all need a little extra self-love and happiness in our lives. After all, self-love isn't selfish. It's simply being kind to yourself and one of the most important things for a happy, healthy life. In other words, practicing a little self-love works wonders in boosting your confidence, improving your outlook on life, and giving you the strength to keep going.

However, self-love and self-care require some extra effort to cultivate a positive relationship with yourself. Still, you can give yourself emotional support or encouragement with positive affirmations.

The science behind affirmations supports its effectiveness and agrees it's a worthy habit. A 2015 research study found that self-affirmation activates the brain's reward systems associated with processing one's sense of identity while promoting future orientation.

Best of all, if you decide to use self-love affirmations, the results will be even more rewarding.

47 Positive Affirmations for Self-Love

To remind yourself how amazing, great, beautiful, and smart you are, we have compiled 47 positive affirmations for self-love that you can use to help cultivate a more positive relationship with yourself. Write them down, recite them in the mirror, or make them part of your daily mantra.

Self-Acceptance Affirmations

  • I accept all of me with love.
  • No one is perfect.
  • I embrace my imperfections.
  • I am enough just as I am.
  • I am beautiful and unique.
  • I forgive myself for not being perfect
  • I am worthy of love, flaws, and all.
  • Like everyone, I have both strengths and weaknesses.
  • We are all works in progress.
  • I am growing and learning every day.
  • I give myself permission to be happy.
  • I will treat myself with the kindness of a friend.
  • I am not afraid of my feelings.
  • I am right where I need to be.
  • I won’t apologize for being me.

Forgiveness Affirmations

  • I am human.
  • I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.
  • I forgive myself for any mistake I have made.
  • I choose to let go of the grudge and be at peace.
  • I accept that everyone makes mistakes.
  • I can let this go and move forward.
  • I am strong enough to forgive and forget.
  • I don’t have to be stuck in the past.
  • I release myself from the weight of my regrets.
  • I let go of the anger and hurt I have been carrying.
  • I accept my failures, but they don’t define me.
  • My goal is progress, not perfection.
  • I honor my life’s path.
  • I am open to new possibilities.
  • I choose to forgive and heal.
  • I am not a victim; I am empowered.

Positive Affirmations to Remind Yourself You Deserve Happiness and Love

  • I am worthy of happiness and love.
  • I trust that I deserve good things in life.
  • I embrace my imperfections because they make me unique.
  • I am worthy of love just for being who I am.
  • I belong here.
  • I deserve to feel happy and full of life.
  • I am capable of creating a life that I love.
  • I deserve all the beauty and joy this world has to offer.
  • Everyone deserves to be happy, and I am no exception.
  • My happiness is important, and I should prioritize it.
  • No one can make me feel inferior without my permission.
  • I will not be defined by what other people think of me.
  • I will not let my insecurities keep me from achieving my goals.
  • I am a force of positivity and joy, and the world is open to me.
  • My happiness is within my control, and I will prioritize it.
  • I deserve respect and kindness, and I will accept nothing less.

Are you having difficulty believing that you deserve love and happiness?

Use this list of positive affirmations to remind yourself that you are worthy and amazing just the way you are.

Author Bio: BrainManager.io is on its way to becoming a leader in psychometric testing, self-assessments, personal growth, self-improvement, and career development. As a member of the BrainManager team, Perus holds a BA in Economics and Sociology and is working towards her MA in Sociology. A mother of two, she’s passionate about personal development and self-improvement but really gets excited about the power of the mind — positive affirmations, gratitude, meditation, and the like.

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