Always Wearing a Mask?

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7 Ways to Deal With "Mask Breath" 

Photo by Ketut SubiyantoLinks to an external site.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, you are probably used to wearing a mask whenever you go outside. While wearing a mask is one of our social responsibilities in curbing the transmission of coronavirus, it is not glamourous for everyone. Some people even reported smelling something stinky coming from their mouths while wearing their masks. "Mask breath" is not exactly caused by wearing a mask. The sad truth is that your own breath is likely to be the culprit and not the face mask itself.

Dr. José Navarro, the Dental Director at FloeLinks to an external site., explained, “Face masks themselves do not make your breath smell, they just make us more aware of our bad breath. Unfortunately, if you are experiencing bad breath now, it probably means you had bad breath before the pandemic—you just did not know it.”

Luckily, there are several helpful tips that you can do to fix “mask breath” and have your breath smelling fresh with or without a mask. 

Photo by TonikLinks to an external site.

  • Stay on Top of Your Oral Hygiene - Poor oral hygiene is the number 1 culprit for bad breath or halitosis and other dental health problems. Bad breath-causing bacteria can also put you at risk of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease does not only affect the gums but also cause serious health problems, including inflammation in other body parts, heart problems, pregnancy complications, and even Alzheimer’s. Practicing good oral careLinks to an external site. involves brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day (once in the morning and once at night) and flossing your teeth to remove food particles caught between your teeth. Regular brushing and flossing do not only prevent bad breath but also protect your general health.
  • Use a Tongue Scraper - The tongue can also be a hot spot for bad bacteria. Using a good quality tongue scraper regularly helps keep your tongue clean. Eliminating bacteria from your tongue can effectively fight halitosis. While a mouth rinse is a part of your daily oral care, it only masks the problem and does not get to the source of the problem. Like your teeth, there are also colonies of bacteria thriving in your tongue which need to be mechanically removed to prevent new bacterial growth.
  • Drink More Water - Drinking at least 8 glasses of water is another way to effectively combat bad breath by flushing out the bacteria from your mouth and relieves dry mouth or xerostomia. Drinking water helps ensure that your mouth produces a healthy level of salivary flow to cleanse the teeth from the bad breath-causing bacteria.
  • Chew Gum - Bacteria that cause bad breath feed on sugar. A family dentist in OshawaLinks to an external site. will tell you that chewing sugar-free gum is another effective way to increase the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva washes out these bacteria to keep your breath clean and fresh. Xylitol, which is the main ingredient in sugar-free gums, also helps protect your teeth from cavities.
  • Eat Healthy Foods - The foods and drinks you consume throughout the day can potentially contribute to mask breath. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding sugar keeps your mouth healthy and clean. Munching apples and carrots can help stimulate the production of saliva. Consuming sugary beverages (soda, sports drinks, juices), coffee, and alcohol can also contribute to unpleasant breath.

If brushing your teeth is not an option, drink a glass of water after meals to flush out food particles in your mouth and chew sugar-free gum and mints to keep your breath smelling fresh in the middle of the day.

  • Clean or Change Your Mask Regularly - Make sure to wear a clean face mask every time. If you are using a cloth mask, wash it every after use to prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the fabric. Also, avoid recycling your face mask. Throw it away after using it and use a new one.
  • Get Regular Dental Check-Ups - Even you practice good dental hygiene every day, you still need regular dental trips. Visiting a dental clinic in GuelphLinks to an external site. or anywhere in GTA twice a year allows the dentist to assess the condition of your oral health and detect and treat early dental issues. A dentist in SarniaLinks to an external site. can give you recommendations to keep your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums healthy. Your dentist will also recommend a number of professional teeth cleanings depending on your dental care needs.

No one wants a stinky breath, whether it is behind a face mask or otherwise. You do not have to buy expensive mouthwashes to get rid of halitosis. These natural methods can help improve your oral health, boost your self-esteem, and have your breath smelling clean and fresh all the time. If the time comes when we do not have to wear masks anymore, you will be confident to say hello to your no-longer-socially distant loved ones with fresh-smelling breath. Do you have more tips to share with us? Do not hesitate the write them in the comment section.

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