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Entrepreneur Simulation Reflection
Entrepreneur Simulation Reflection
Criteria Ratings Pts
Objectives of Plan
Answers the following questions: What were the highlights of your overall plan? What objectives did you have? Did you achieve them?
threshold: pts
25 pts
Full Marks
Answers all questions: What were the highlights of your overall plan? What objectives did you have? Did you achieve them?
15 pts
Partial Marks
Missing details from one of the following: What were the highlights of your overall plan? What objectives did you have? Did you achieve them?
0 pts
No Marks
Does not answer the questions.
25 pts
Answers the following question: How was your financial performance?
threshold: pts
25 pts
Full Marks
Answers the following question: How was your financial performance?
15 pts
Partial Marks
Missing key details on financial performance.
0 pts
No Marks
Does not answer the question.
25 pts
Answers the following question: What important takeaways did you have from this business simulation experience?
threshold: pts
25 pts
Full Marks
Answers the following question: What important takeaways did you have from this business simulation experience?
15 pts
Partial Marks
Missing key details from the following question: What important takeaways did you have from this business simulation experience?
0 pts
No Marks
Does not answer the question.
25 pts
If you are doing the written reflection, make sure it's 500-600 words with correct spelling and grammar in a paragraph format.

If you are responding via video, make sure it's 5-6 minutes in length.
threshold: pts
25 pts
Full Marks
If you are doing the written reflection, make sure it's 400-500 words with correct spelling and grammar. If you are responding via video, make sure it's 3-5 minutes in length.
15 pts
Partial Marks
Missing one from the following: If you are doing the written reflection, make sure it's 400-500 words with correct spelling and grammar. If you are responding via video, make sure it's 3-5 minutes in length.
0 pts
No Marks
More than one error as it relates to the format - spelling, grammar, word count, video length.
25 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100