Creating an Announcement
Announcements in Canvas can be helpful for communicating with students because with one post, you've sent them all a message. You might think of using them as means to communicate the "housekeeping" items you begin face-to-face courses with: updates on course information, grades, or assignments. There is a video guide and written instructions below.
Video Guide
The ⏱️36-second video below will walk you through creating an announcement in Canvas.
Written Instructions
- From the Course Navigation Menu on the left, select Announcements.
- Select "+Announcement" from the top right.
- Type a Topic Title
- Type the announcement directly into the textbox.
- Select any Options you'd like.
- Save the announcement, and it will instantly publish to students. (Note: there isn't an option to save without publishing an announcement to students. They will automatically be able to see any announcement you save.)
Selecting "Next" will take you to the last page of the module.