Creating a Page to upload a document or handout
To upload a document or handout to Canvas for students, we'll create another Page and attach the document to it. Steps 1-7 are the exact same from the previous instructions on creating a Page. Steps 8-14 walk you through attaching a file to the Page once you've created it. Video or written instructions are available below.
Video Guide
Watch this quick ⏱️66-second video for a demonstration of uploading a document to a Canvas Page.
Written Instructions
- Click the "+" sign next to the Module title.
- Select "Page" from the dropdown menu.
- Select "[New Page]"
- Type the Page Name
- Select "Add Item."
- Once created, click on the title of the page.
- Click "Edit," and you can type directly in the textbox.
- In the textbook, type instructions for students regarding the file you're attaching. (e.g. "Read the following article..." or "Use this study guide as you read Chapter 2.")
- Select the "Documents" icon and then "Upload Document" from the dropdown menu.
- Upload the file from your computer, and select "Submit."
- Remove the file extension (e.g. ".docx") and clean it up to have a title you want students to see.
- Select "Options" from above the attached file.
- Check the second box, "Automatically open an in-line preview."
- Select "Save & Publish."
Select "Next" for instructions on creating Discussions in Canvas.