Creating a Page to upload a document or handout

To upload a document or handout to Canvas for students, we'll create another Page and attach the document to it. Steps 1-7 are the exact same from the previous instructions on creating a Page. Steps 8-14 walk you through attaching a file to the Page once you've created it. Video or written instructions are available below.

Video Guide

Watch this quick ⏱️66-second video for a demonstration of uploading a document to a Canvas Page.

Written Instructions

  1. Click the "+" sign next to the Module title.
  2. Select "Page" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select "[New Page]
  4. Type the Page Name
  5. Select "Add Item."
  6. Once created, click on the title of the page.
  7. Click "Edit," and you can type directly in the textbox.
  8. In the textbook, type instructions for students regarding the file you're attaching. (e.g. "Read the following article..." or "Use this study guide as you read Chapter 2.")
  9. Select the "Documents" icon and then "Upload Document" from the dropdown menu. 
  10. Upload the file from your computer, and select "Submit."
  11. Remove the file extension (e.g. ".docx") and clean it up to have a title you want students to see. 
  12. Select "Options" from above the attached file. 
  13. Check the second box, "Automatically open an in-line preview."
  14. Select "Save & Publish."

Select "Next" for instructions on creating Discussions in Canvas.