Creating a Page to list weekly goals and activities for students
What you're currently reading is a Page in Canvas. Pages allow you to communicate with students, for example, the weekly goals the way you might on the first day of class for the week. Online courses typically include a "Weekly Goals" page at the beginning of every module, and we encourage you to create one for your students to have a place to see what they'll need to do for the week. Pages are simple to create in Canvas. Follow the written or video instructions (or both!) below.
Video Guide
Check out the ⏱️36-second video below for a demonstration on creating a page.
Written Instructions
- Click the "+" sign next to the Module title.
- Select "Page" from the dropdown menu.
- Select "[New Page]"
- Type the Page Name.
- Select "Add Item."
- Once created, click on the title of the page.
- Click "Edit," and you can type directly in the textbox.
- Type the goals and/or required activities for the week.
- Select "Save & Publish" when you're ready for students to see the page. (Note: Selecting Save instead of Save & Publish will save your changes, but it won't publish to students.)
Select "Next" for instructions on uploading and attaching files such as handouts and readings to Canvas.