Fixing Images
Best practices for providing alternative descriptions for images
IMPORTANT: If you intend to export your course content for use at another institution, you should fix alternative descriptions (alt-text) for images on the page where the image appears, rather than in the Files area or the Ally Dashboard area of your course.
This is because when you use Ally to fix the image description in the Files or Ally Dashboard area, Ally doesn't actually change the underlying HTML your Canvas page. Instead, Ally stores a link to the description and presents it to your students whenever they encounter that image in your course .
This really only becomes an issue if you export your course content and take it elsewhere. As long as the course stays on PCC's Canvas, Ally has no problem serving up the linked image descriptions when needed, even when the course is copied over a new term. However, if you use the course export tool to export your course content to a Canvas Export Package (.imscc file) and then import your course content on a different instance of Canvas, the link to Ally's stored description will be broken and you will need to go through and provide new alternative descriptions on those images.
So, we do recommend that if you use Ally to provide alternative descriptions for images, that you do so by clicking the colored Ally dial on the picture where it appears on the page. When you do that, Ally will change the underlying HTML of the page and that fix will carry over, even if you export your content and import it elsewhere.
See Bb Ally Help for More Information Links to an external site. on this topic.
Other image issues
Click an issue below for an explanation of what it means and how to fix it.
The image can induce seizures
The image has text that is not part of the alternative description
The image has contrast issues
This work, “Fixing Images,” is a derivative of "Ally Remediation Cheatsheet Links to an external site." by SBCTC Links to an external site., used under CC BY 4.0 Links to an external site.. “Fixing Images” is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Links to an external site. by Pasadena City College.