Zoom in Canvas: Unwanted Calendar Entries When Importing Course Content

When you import course content from another course shell, the Zoom meeting calendar items will also be imported, unless you exclude them.  

Please make sure that you exclude Calendar items whenever you are importing content from another course shell.  

Help!  I accidentally imported Calendar events from my other Class section!

If you accidentally import unwanted Calendar events, you can simply delete the unwanted events from your course calendar.  It will not affect scheduled Zoom meetings in other sections.


How to Exclude Calendar Items During Course Import

  1. On your course menu, click Settings
  2. Click Import Course Content
  3. In Content Type, select "Copy a Canvas Course"
  4. In Search for a Course, type the course name you wish to import from, and select it when it appears on the list of suggested courses
  5. In Content: choose "Select Specific Content"
  6. Click the Import button.

Course Import Tool with Select Content


You will be prompted to select only the content you wish to import, and deselect the content you wish to exclude.

8. Make sure that the Calendar Events are NOT checkmarked.  If they are selected, deselect them now.

9. Click the Select Content button, and your course import will finish.

Calendar Items should not be checkmarked


Demo Video: Adust Import for Zoom Calendar Events



If you need further assistance, please email PCC Online at pcconline@pasadena.edu