Zoom in Canvas: Office Hours for Multiple Sections
STEP 1: Schedule a Recurring Meeting for your Office Hours
If your Office Hours are open to multiple course sections, we recommend scheduling your Office Hour meetings on the Zoom website Links to an external site. directly, not inside Canvas. This will allow you to generate a meeting link that is accessible to multiple course sections at once.
- First, sign in to your PCC Zoom account Links to an external site. to manage your meeting settings.
- Click Meetings, and click Schedule A New Meeting.
- Click the Recurring check box. Generally, your meeting will recur "Weekly" on a given day or days.
- Finish selecting your meeting options. At a minimum, we recommend using the Waiting Room feature. We also recommend a passcode for added security.
- Click Save to finish scheduling this meeting.
Your meeting now appears in your Meetings menu.
STEP 2: Post the Meeting Link or Meeting ID (with Passcode) in Your Canvas Course
It will be the same Meeting Link / Meeting ID for the entire term.
Meeting Link (Recommended)
- To find the Meeting Link, go to the Meetings menu, then click the name of your meeting.
- Copy the Meeting Link ("also called the Invite link"), and paste it into your Canvas Home Page for your students to access. The passcode will be embedded into this link so that students who simply click on this link should not be prompted for a password. However, we do recommend that you also tell your students the password, just in case they are prompted for one.
Note: Your Office Hours information should also be included in your Syllabus and Welcome Letter.
Canvas Home Page:
OR if you prefer to provide a Meeting ID instead of a clickable link, you can instead Copy the Meeting ID, and paste it into the Home Page of your Canvas course for students to access.
Meeting ID
- To find the Meeting ID, go to Meetings menu, then click the name of your meeting.
- Copy the Meeting ID, and paste it into your Canvas Home Page for your students to access. Make sure to also provide the Passcode, if you have chosen to use one.
Note: Your Office Hours information should also be included in your Syllabus and Welcome Letter.
Canvas Home Page:
STEP 3: Start Your Office Hour Meeting
When it is time to hold your Office Hour meeting, sign in to your PCC Zoom account Links to an external site..
- Click the Meetings menu on the left side of the screen
- Click the "Start" button on the Office Hour meeting that you wish to start