Zoom in Canvas: Overview
In the Canvas course navigation, click Zoom to open Zoom in Canvas. On the top-right you’ll see the blue Schedule a New Meeting button. Below that button you’ll see tabs for Upcoming Meetings, Previous Meetings, Personal Meeting Room and Cloud Recordings.
Upcoming Meetings
The Upcoming Meetings tab displays all of your scheduled future meetings.
Launch a scheduled meeting by clicking the ‘Start’ button on any meeting listed.
Your students will see only the meetings that you schedule using Zoom in Canvas. If you schedule meetings using the Zoom website or the Zoom desktop application, students will not see those meetings in their list of Upcoming Meetings. However, if you have already scheduled meetings using the Zoom website or the Zoom desktop application, you can choose to import those meetings into your Canvas course.
Previous Meetings
The Previous Meetings tab displays previous events. Meetings will appear on this page after the scheduled end time.
Personal Meeting Room
This is a "quick launch" or unscheduled meeting. It uses the same static meeting ID for every event. Students do not see the Personal Meeting Room tab, only the Upcoming Meetings that are scheduled. If you choose to use the Personal Meeting room for Office Hours (rather than scheduling a recurring "Office Hour" meeting), keep in mind that you will need to copy the Join URL and paste it onto a page in your Canvas course so that students can access it.
Your Personal Meeting Room is an open room; anyone with the Join URL or Meeting ID could join at any time, possibly interrupting a meeting in progress. Therefore, please use a Waiting Room to secure the meeting and manage your participants.
Cloud Recordings
Recordings process after the Host and all Participants have left the meeting. When processing is complete, the recording will appear on this page. If you left the meeting before the scheduled end time, the recording will begin processing.