What Can I Do with Pronto?


Use Cases For The Classroom

Examples of how to maximize student engagement and utilize the ease and simplicity of Pronto:

Student Group Work
& Collaboration
Pronto automatically syncs with student groups that have been created in a
course. This instantly provides a safe and easy communication hub for
students to chat, go live, and share important information with each other.
Pronto Meetings:
Webinars & Live
Pronto is not intended to replace ConferZoom. Pronto allows up to 20 individual streamers at a time (sharing video/audio/screens). Meetings can be recorded and they are automatically saved within the Media section of the group settings.
1:1 Meetings 1:1 meetings are another dynamic use case for Pronto Meetings.
You can hold 1:1 meetings by going live in a direct message, or go live in one
of your course groups and invite students to pop in with any questions. This does not replace your regular pre-scheduled Office Hours for the term offered in ConferZoom.  
Media Repository Use Pronto as a place to share important content with students.
Pronto lets users upload and share various types of media such as photos,
videos, files, and links. All media shared within a group is archived within the
group settings and available for quick access at anytime.
Tasks: Personal &
Group To-Do List
Use the Pronto Tasks feature as a place to create personal and shared to-do
list. Tasks allow you to schedule a due date & reminders, attach files, and a
notes section for important information and context.