How to Enable Pronto in Canvas

As an instructor, you can choose to enable or disable Pronto in any of your own Canvas courses.  The Pronto icon will only appear in your Global Navigation menu if you have enabled one or more of your Canvas courses.  

Enable Pronto in a Canvas Course

  1. In a browser, go to Pronto Course Management: Links to an external site. 

  2. Click the Login with Canvas button.
    Pronto Course Management login  

  3. If you are not already logged into Canvas in the same browser, you'll be prompted to login to Canvas first. If you are already logged on to Canvas in the same browser, you'll simply be passed on to the next step.

  4. You'll be prompted to Authorize Pronto.  Click the Authorize button.
    Authorize Pronto  

  5. You will see a list of your current Canvas courses.  Click the name of any course you would like to enable with Pronto.
    List of your current Canvas courses  

  6. Click the Enable Pronto button.
    Enable Pronto button  

  7. Your course is now enabled with Pronto.  

  8. Last Sync: If this section says "This course has never been synced," click Sync Now.  You may need to come back to re-sync if new students or groups are added to your course.  This will ensure that new students and groups are recognized by Pronto.
    Pronto Sync Now button  

Disable Pronto in a Canvas Course

  1. In a browser, go to Pronto Course Management: Links to an external site. 
  2. Click the Login with Canvas button.
  3. If you are not already logged into Canvas in the same browser, you'll be prompted to login to Canvas first. If you are already logged on to Canvas in the same browser, you'll simply be passed on to the next step.
  4. You'll be prompted to Authorize Pronto.  Click the Authorize button.
  5. You will see a list of your current Canvas courses.  Click the name of any course you would like to disable.
  6. Click the Disable Pronto button.
  7. Pronto is now disabled in this course.