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Nov 4, 2015 at 9:23pm
- What kind of text are you reading?
- Initially I thought Mary Pipher’s text was a scholarly article, but scholarly articles are much more formal and are usually peer reviewed. I decided that the text fits more neatly into the expository category for essay. Expository essay explains ideas, themes or issues.
- What is the author’s purpose?
- The author’s purpose is to inform. The author describes rules in the process to effect change in a reader or a group of readers.
- Who is the audience? How does the writer appeal to the audience?
- The author’s audience are writers, especially beginning writers. This is evident when she state’s “Therapy and writing have a great deal in common.” (89) She appeals to the audience by describing how techniques used in psychotherapy can by applied in writing to effect change.
- What is the author’s thesis? What question does the text attempt to answer?
- The author’s thesis is that change in a reader’s perspective occur when certain rules of engagement are followed and the type of change is based on the writer’s connection with the reader. This is answer the question of how the methods of psychotherapy can be used to effect change in the reader’s perspective and the question of how the reader and writer enter into the conversation could influence that change.
- What evidence does the author provide to support the thesis?
- The author uses evidence from her psychotherapy practice to support her claim. For example, in her section dealing with respect she begins by stating “Therapists can succeed only with people whom they respect” (91) She follows by describing the consequences of not respecting your patient or reader by stating “Contempt shows, and it is always mutual. It evokes defensiveness and fear, which poison the change process.” Not respecting the patient or reader closes the door to honest conversation. (91) She concludes by writing “Respect helps us to relax around each other enough to contemplate change.” (91) Respect keeps the lines of communication open.
- What key terms does the author define?
- Connection – In the context of what a single word or phrase means to different segments of society. For example, the author describes the differences between men and women when interpreting the word “apology” (94)
- Either/Or versus Both/And. Either/Or is usually black or white and doesn’t allow for subtleties, variations or “room for new ideas” (96) when reflecting upon realities whereas Both/And does.
Works Cited
Pipher, Mary, “The Psychology of Change”, Writing to Change the World, (2006): 89, 91, 94, 96
Riverside Books
Nov 6, 2015 at 6:38pm
Mengyao, I agree with you. The section on connection was a bit open ended. She didn't really give clear examples of how not to insult the reader. The only take I could get is word choice. One word can mean different things to different people. So maybe careful choice of words might be the resolution.