L Building

L Building: Student Services

Home to...

❖ Academic CounselingL Building
❖ Admissions & Records
❖ Black Student Success Center
    (Ujima, Blackademia, ASCEND, A2MEND)
❖ Extended Opportunity Programs & Services
    (EOP&S, NextUp, CARE, Foster Youth, CalWorks)
❖ Financial Aid
❖ Lancer Care Center
❖ CORE Program
❖ Office of Vice President of Student Services

While most of our student services are now available online, the L Building remains the physical office spaces where our dedicated support staff do the behind-the-scenes work for college admissions, educational planning, and financial aid.

The EOP&S, CARE, and Foster Youth Programs exist to improve access to higher education and the realization of students achieving their academic and personal goals by providing them with comprehensive support services and reinforcing their personal, academic and vocational goals. EOP&S, CARE, and Foster Youth Programs strive to provide intensive counseling and “over and above” support services to assist students with removing barriers that have historically prevented educationally and financially disadvantaged students from completing their educational and personal goals.

In the Black Student Success Center, you'll find the PCC Ujima office. Ujima is a learning community designed to enhance the experience of African-American Students through counseling, instruction, mentoring and community building. This is also the center for Blackademia - an academic hub at PCC that empowers Black students with resources like tutoring, financial assistance, and workshops to achieve educational success - and A2MEND, a community for black and latino Male students at PCC.


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