IT Building

IT Building: Industrial TechnologiesIT Building

The Industrial Technologies Building (IT) is home to...Auto students will get LA ready for its electric car future | KCRW

❖ Robert G. Freeman Career Center

❖ Automotive Facility

❖ Career & Technical Education Courses

❖ Labs & Workshops 

The IT Building houses some of the programs that prepare students for lifelong careers in competitive, high-paying industries. PCC's Design Tech certificate programs teach the foundational skills of engineering and design technology, with each program leading to a variety of dynamic professional and vocational careers. Students in the Manufacturing Tech program can obtain occupational certificates to specialize skills and find work as machinists. And with Welding, Electronics, Computer Information Systems, and Automotive Technology courses offered here, it's easy to see that the IT Building is a powerhouse for student learning and outcomes. 

Freeman Center

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