Essay #5 - Final timed essay

  • Due May 6, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 1
  • Available May 2, 2016 at 12am - May 6, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes


In two hours, write an essay that responds to the following:

The introduction to chapter 14 in From Inquiry to Academic Writing asks an important question: “What could the world look like, if we make the effort to become scholarly ‘myth-busters’ ourselves?” Formulate an evidence-based argument to analyze ONE of the articles you read. What are the problems the author sees in terms of what behaviors are normalized vs. those that are “othered”? Where do you stand on the issues she/he raises and the conclusions she/he draws?


Choose ONE essay to respond to:

  • Instructor choose THREE essays from Chapter 14 Sociology, to assign to students]

Though the majority of your essay is focusing on ONE article, you may refer to the other articles and texts from the class so far in your essay.

You will have two hours to write your essay. Please complete the essay in the test section AND THEN COPY it into the Essay #5 assignments section so that it can be reviewed by Turn it in and checked for plagiarism.

See Canvas for the full grading guidelines and date that the final draft will be due (worth 140 points). These will be graded closely.

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