Essay #1: on Education, 3-5 pages

  • Due Mar 31, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
This assignment is part of the module Rhetorical Analysis: Thesis Statements and Organizing Essays and hasn't been unlocked yet.

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    Find Rubric
    English 1A: Essay #1 Rubric 2015
    English 1A: Essay #1 Rubric 2015
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    Response to the topic: Does the essay respond to the topic with insight, depth and originality, while clearly meeting the terms of the assignment?
    threshold: pts
    5 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    5 pts
    Thesis Statement: Is the thesis statement clearly focused and develop a compelling argument and advance the ideas of the topic with individual insight?
    threshold: pts
    10 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    10 pts
    Does the essay include a summary of the assigned text? Does the summary integrate the authors’ words with your own? Does the summary provide specific support for claims, including effective use of paraphrase and 1-2 quotations that integrate those writers’ words with your own?
    threshold: pts
    15 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    15 pts
    Does the body explain your analysis and rationale of the argument completely? Do these explanations make sense? Are the details relevant? Does the argument go beyond class discussion using exceptional analysis? Does the confirmation provide specific support for claims, including effective use of paraphrase and 1-2 quotations that integrate those writers’ words with your own?
    threshold: pts
    20 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    20 pts
    Structure/ Paragraphs: • Are the paragraphs organized and long enough to respond thoroughly to the prompt? • Has the writer provided enough specific support to prove that you read the essay(s) completely? • Does the essay follow the guidelines of the assignment (amount/type of sources, etc.) • Does the essay transition between ideas fluidly? Does the order of the argument make sense?
    threshold: pts
    25 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    25 pts
    Conclusion: Does the conclusion address: Why is the issue important? What are the implications of the article? Why should the reader care?
    threshold: pts
    5 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    5 pts
    Language Usage and Mechanics: Does the essay exhibit superior control of language, including diction, phrasing, syntactic variety, and an ability to paraphrase accurately? Does the essay avoid serious errors in mechanics and usage? Is the writing grammatically, spelling and punctuation correct?
    threshold: pts
    10 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    10 pts
    Format: MLA; typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, pages numbered, proper heading, PAGE LENGTH REQUIREMENT: 3-5 pages (750-1250 words); includes proper in-text citations and an MLA Works Cited page (see A Writer's Reference for guidelines)
    threshold: pts
    10 pts
    Meets expectations
    0 pts
    No Marks
    10 pts
    Total Points: 100 out of 100