Part IV: Final Project Create Your PowerPoint Presentation
- Due May 16, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 25
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Create a PowerPoint presentation containing at least 7 slides.
Keep in mind that you will submit this PowerPoint presentation for review by at least five of your classmates.
You must use more than one slide layout, apply a design theme, insert and format an image pertaining to your topic found from an online search, apply a transition and effect, and set up the Notes Pages including Header/Footer information.
The PowerPoint presentation must have slides for the title, body, summary, and Works Cited or Bibliography. Refer to the example that is posted.
Your PowerPoint presentation will include your written work from your Word document in the Notes Pages of the appropriate slides, and your Excel table or chart on a slide as part of your presentation. Use Spell Check to remove any indicators of spelling or grammar errors. Refer to the tips listed on page 130 in your Technology in Action textbook to make a great presentation.
- Title – Display the Title used in your Word document, your name, and class on the Title Slide. Add your introduction from your Word document to the Notes on this slide.
- Body – These slides support the Final Project Topic. Use bullets for key points keeping number of bullets and words to a minimum. Use at least one second level indented bullet point. At least one slide needs to highlight your Excel spreadsheet with the data found to support your topic through the table/calculations or embedded chart. Use the Notes to write why the data is important to your project. Add the paragraphs from the body of your Word document to the Notes of each appropriate slide.
- Summary – Summarize your Final Project presentation on this slide. In the Notes, add your conclusion from your Word document. Do not include a slide that says “The End.”
- Notes Pages – Insert class name in the Header, filename in the Footer, page number, and date, and apply to all. Don’t show any of this information on the slides.
- Save and Submit – Save your presentation (Lastname_Firstname_YourFinalProjectTitle), attach it here.