Chapter 4 Journal
- Due Mar 8, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
- Available Feb 16, 2020 at 12am - Mar 9, 2020 at 11:59pm
Chapter Four Journal
- Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences.
- Be sure to answer each question completely and work to incorporate material from the text, course exercises, and discussions.
- Answers must integrate course terminology and personal experience.
- All journals must be submitted on Canvas.
- Please use the following format to type your responses following each question. Review the Chapter Journal Grading Rubric.
Journal Guidelines
Part One:
Your text presents several Influences on Perception (Access to Information, Physiological, Cultural Differences, & Social Roles). Explain each influence and include an example of when you have observed those influences in your perception.
Part Two:
Enhance your cognitive complexity by applying the “pillow method’ in a significant disagreement. Explain how your expanded view of this situation might affect your communication with the other(s) involved.
1) Select one disagreement or other issue that is now affecting an interpersonal relationship.
a) This might be as issue such as “I think our children should go to private school; my spouse want them to go to private school”
b) Or, a more public disagreement such as “I think voting for a third party helps democracy in our country; my friend thinks it undermines democracy by drawing votes away from the two major parties.”
2) Record enough background information for an outsider to understand your stance on the issue. Who is involved? What are the basic issues involved?
3) Describe the issue from each of the four positions listed below.
a) Position 1: “I’m right and you’re wrong.” Explain how you are right and the other person is wrong. (
b) Position 2: “You’re right and I’m wrong.” Explain how the other person’s position is correct, or at least understandable.
c) Position 3: “We’re both right and we’re both wrong.” Show that there are both correct (or understandable) and mistaken (or unreasonable) parts of both positions.
d) Position 4: “The issue may be less important than it seems; some other thinks may be more important.” Describe at least two ways in which the elements developed in position 1-3 might affect your relationship. Describe at least one way in which the issue might be seen as more important than it was originally.
4) Reflection:
a) Explain how there is some truth in each of the preceding positions.
b) Explain how viewing the issue from each of the proceeding positions might change your perception of the issue and how it might change your behavior in the future.
c) Explain how this issue and your understanding of it affect your relationship.
Part Three:
Your text describes a “perception checking statement.” Identify and explain each of the parts of a perception checking statement.
Part Four:
Describe at least three situations that you have experienced when you think using perception-checking statements could have been useful.
Part Five:
Write a perception checking statement for one of the situations listed above.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
Application of Ideas
Application of Example
Grammar & Spelling
Total Points:
out of 10