Avoid Untagged PDFs When Saving From Word to PDF

Mac Users: Do Not Use the Print > PDF feature.

If you are using a Mac, please avoid using the Print > PDF feature.  While you will end up with a PDF file, much of the underlying structural data needed for accessibility is not included.

Print Dialog Box is overlaid with a "no" symbol, indicating that the Print to PDF function should be avoided.


Instead, use the following instructions to save a Word document as a PDF.    Instructions are provided for both Mac and Windows users.



In Microsoft Word, open the File application menu and select Save As...

In Microsoft Word, the "File" menu is expanded and the "Save As" option is highlighted.

A new window will appear. 

  1. Set the File Format to PDF
  2. Make sure the Best for electronic distribution and accessibility (uses Microsoft online service) radio button.
  3. Click Export.
    Screenshot: The Save As window shows a sequence of events.  The file format field changed to "PDF" and the "Best for electronic distribution..." option is selected, before the user clicks the "Export" button.


To create a PDF in Microsoft Word, Select File > Save As.

In Microsoft Word, the File >  Save As menu is selected.


The “Save As” window will appear.  

  1. Set the Save As Type field to PDF
  2. This should automatically result in a tagged PDF, but here’s where you can double-check the options:
    Click the Options button.
    In the "Save As" dialog box, a sequence shows the "Save As Type" field set to PDF before the "Options" button is selected.

  3. Make sure Document structure tags for accessibility is checked, then click the OK button to return to the “Save As” window.
    In the "Options" window, the Document structure tags for accessibility is checked.

  4. You can now click the Save button to save the file.
    The Save As window is displayed with an emphasis box over the "Save" button.