Embed your Videos from 3C Media Solutions into Canvas

Once you have uploaded a video to your 3C Media account, your video can be accessed from the content editor and embeded anywhere in Canvas. 

3C Media's embedding tool prevents anyone from easily sharing or opening that video outside of Canvas, so student privacy is maintained. 

  1. Click the Apps icon on the content editor toolbar.
  2. If you don't immediately see 3C Media, click "View All" to see all the available apps. 
  3. Click 3C Media.
  4. Click the Done button.
    Select 3C Media from the Apps icon in the New Rich Content Editor  

  5. Find the 3C Media Library video to embed and click the Insert button to the right of the video title.
    Insert button next to selected video

  6. The video will be embedded in the content editor.
    Embedded 3C Media Video